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#149 - Green Bay (15-15)

Tod KowalczykHorizon League (9-10)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 105.9 120 104.1 195 .5481 149
eFG% 51.1 120 50.2 186
TO% 20.3 120 19.6 261
OR% 31.5 223 34.4 247
FTR 35.5 203 36.6 170
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 36.7 100 35.5 190
2P% 49.6 119 48.4 166
FT% 73.8 41 68.0 107
Block % 10.5 270 9.0 150
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 27.7 308 37.2 258
Ast. Rate 47.6 304 52.4 99
Adj. Tempo 65.7157

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 107.3 86 104.3 230 .5828 136
Last 10 Eff. 102.6 173 104.8 198 .4403 186
Close Games 7-4 (.636) 73
Qual. Games 0-6 (.000) 320
F.U.N. 0.0216 123
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 27 % 23 21 % 103
Basic 0.5554 47 0.5602 108
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-4 0-6 3-4 3-4 9-1

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Fri 11-09 11-09 H 147 (Ⅲ) Oakland Oak W, 76-75 74 1-0 0.1 95.1 95.0 102.4 51.8 17.5 21.2 42.9 23-41 4-15 101.1 49.2 24.3 37.5 33.9 20-46 7-16 50
Mon 11-12 11-12 A 32 (I) Ohio St. tOSU L, 91-68 71 1-1 -0.2 110.7 117.7 96.4 42.3 17.0 33.3 24.6 17-37 7-28 128.9 60.4 9.9 34.3 26.9 24-43 11-24 33
Tue 11-13 11-13 N 275 (Ⅳ) Delaware St. DelSt. W, 70-50 56 2-1 -0.1 113.0 93.1 124.7 65.5 17.8 35.0 47.6 17-28 7-14 89.0 43.3 17.8 26.7 15.4 18-38 3-14 90
Sat 11-17 11-17 A 57 (I) Massachusetts Umass L, 93-78 84 2-2 -0.5 100.6 101.0 92.9 53.1 26.2 29.4 25.0 25-49 6-15 110.8 61.2 22.6 20.6 51.7 13-26 15-32 49
Sat 11-24 11-24 H 129 (Ⅲ) North Dakota St. NDSU W, 85-77 70 3-2 -0.4 120.0 109.1 121.9 51.4 7.2 36.1 24.6 34-59 1-10 110.5 45.8 15.8 33.3 44.1 18-39 6-20 75
Tue 11-27 11-27 H 320 (Ⅳ) Eastern Illinois EIU W, 63-47 57 4-2 -0.3 97.4 91.2 110.7 55.1 21.1 34.6 22.4 18-34 6-15 82.6 40.9 22.8 25.0 36.4 9-25 6-19 68
Sat 12-01 12-01 A 270 (Ⅳ) South Dakota St. SoDakSt W, 88-81 61 5-2 -0.2 137.2 136.8 143.1 66.0 11.4 40.7 47.2 23-39 8-14 131.8 60.9 13.0 33.3 30.9 20-37 9-18 51
Thu 12-06 12-06 A 199 (Ⅳ) Loyola Chicago LUC W, 69-63 62 6-2 (1-0) 0.0 112.0 104.1 111.2 54.5 17.7 19.2 59.1 18-33 4-11 101.6 44.3 19.3 43.6 19.7 18-38 6-23 70
Sat 12-08 12-08 A 116 (Ⅲ) Illinois Chicago UIC L, 76-67 69 6-3 (1-1) -0.6 102.6 105.9 96.5 38.1 21.6 45.2 36.5 21-49 2-14 109.5 58.2 20.2 23.1 51.0 15-29 9-20 41
Sat 12-15 12-15 A 5 (I-A) Wisconsin Wisc L, 70-52 62 6-4 -0.7 103.2 99.9 84.3 39.6 32.4 44.1 35.4 10-29 6-19 113.4 53.0 25.9 50.0 52.0 22-37 3-13 59
Sat 12-22 12-22 H 268 (Ⅳ) Northern Illinois N.Ill W, 86-75 75 7-4 -0.7 110.3 110.4 115.4 52.7 16.1 27.3 60.0 17-33 8-22 100.7 50.9 24.2 32.5 44.8 19-35 7-23 50
Sat 12-29 12-29 A 17 (I-A) Michigan St. MSU L, 93-75 68 7-5 -0.9 123.5 118.3 109.9 55.7 23.5 39.4 16.4 22-45 8-16 136.3 61.9 14.7 46.9 17.9 28-48 9-19 62
Thu 1-03 1-03 H 239 (Ⅳ) Detroit Mercy UDM W, 78-52 64 8-5 (2-1) -0.9 113.8 87.8 122.8 67.0 22.0 26.1 26.0 20-37 9-13 81.9 43.8 26.8 33.3 10.7 8-27 11-29 95
Sat 1-05 1-05 H 117 (Ⅱ) Wright St. WSU W, 52-49 56 9-5 (3-1) -0.7 96.1 88.8 93.0 41.9 19.7 27.6 46.5 12-31 4-12 87.7 39.3 12.5 29.7 16.1 13-37 6-19 71
Thu 1-10 1-10 A 28 (I-A) Butler But L, 74-65 66 9-6 (3-2) -0.9 107.6 97.9 98.5 50.0 16.7 27.3 32.7 20-40 5-15 112.1 45.0 16.7 40.0 82.0 18-31 3-19 75
Sat 1-12 1-12 A 124 (Ⅱ) Valparaiso Valpo L, 82-73 64 9-7 (3-3) -1.6 116.1 120.4 113.7 51.7 21.8 50.0 28.8 20-38 7-21 127.7 50.0 7.8 40.9 40.0 19-36 9-29 40
Sat 1-19 1-19 H 161 (Ⅲ) Milwaukee Mil L, 65-61 64 9-8 (3-4) -2.5 96.3 104.9 94.7 43.1 17.1 30.6 20.7 19-46 4-12 100.9 47.5 18.6 33.3 22.0 16-27 8-32 27
Thu 1-24 1-24 H 106 (Ⅱ) Cleveland St. Clev W, 59-50 67 10-8 (4-4) -2.3 93.1 77.7 88.5 36.8 24.0 38.5 49.1 15-39 3-14 75.0 32.5 21.0 34.8 31.7 12-42 5-18 89
Sat 1-26 1-26 H 214 (Ⅳ) Youngstown St. YSU W, 66-58 69 11-8 (5-4) -2.3 93.9 90.8 95.9 48.1 18.9 21.9 38.5 19-38 4-14 84.3 42.0 24.7 15.6 34.0 15-36 4-14 60
Thu 1-31 1-31 A 117 (Ⅱ) Wright St. WSU L, 71-67 65 11-9 (5-5) -2.9 109.8 106.6 102.7 54.5 24.5 32.1 18.2 21-39 6-16 108.9 57.8 18.4 31.0 73.3 14-28 8-17 58
Sat 2-02 2-02 A 239 (Ⅳ) Detroit Mercy UDM W, 66-64 60 12-9 (6-5) -2.7 106.4 108.6 110.0 55.9 18.3 28.0 23.5 24-45 3-6 106.6 50.8 16.7 40.6 11.9 18-38 8-21 44
Thu 2-07 2-07 H 124 (Ⅱ) Valparaiso Valpo W, 76-71 OT74 13-9 (7-5) -2.6 101.3 94.1 103.0 43.3 10.8 30.2 66.7 20-45 4-15 96.2 57.4 25.8 23.5 33.3 13-28 12-26 70
Sat 2-09 2-09 H 28 (I-A) Butler But L, 62-57 61 13-10 (7-6) -3.1 98.4 90.8 92.8 51.0 24.4 31.0 15.7 17-37 6-14 100.9 46.3 16.3 27.0 31.5 13-22 8-32 71
Mon 2-11 2-11 A 106 (Ⅱ) Cleveland St. Clev L, 81-64 72 13-11 (7-7) -3.7 98.6 111.6 89.3 51.0 29.3 30.0 32.7 22-41 3-11 113.0 57.8 22.3 37.5 54.9 22-38 5-13 19
Sat 2-16 2-16 A 161 (Ⅲ) Milwaukee Mil L, 66-56 60 13-12 (7-8) -4.4 98.8 111.4 93.9 51.1 23.5 23.1 23.9 16-37 5-9 110.7 50.0 21.8 47.5 33.3 18-36 7-21 20
Wed 2-20 2-20 A 214 (Ⅳ) Youngstown St. YSU L, 76-73 66 13-13 (7-9) -5.3 112.4 119.6 110.7 59.0 18.2 17.9 42.0 22-33 5-17 115.2 66.3 21.2 31.0 46.9 16-32 11-17 33
Sat 2-23 2-23 H 93 (Ⅲ) Western Michigan W.Mich L, 74-67 68 13-14 -6.1 101.2 105.6 98.1 52.0 23.4 26.7 46.9 21-41 3-8 108.3 53.3 29.3 42.3 68.9 12-26 8-19 38
Thu 2-28 2-28 H 116 (Ⅲ) Illinois Chicago UIC W, 76-73 68 14-14 (8-9) -5.9 114.7 107.7 111.9 64.0 23.6 25.0 32.0 11-27 14-23 107.5 51.6 19.1 35.1 17.2 21-42 8-22 67
Sat 3-01 3-01 H 199 (Ⅳ) Loyola Chicago LUC W, 71-66 OT68 15-14 (9-9) -5.8 101.6 101.5 103.7 44.5 14.6 27.8 52.7 14-40 7-15 96.4 44.0 16.1 36.4 19.4 22-49 5-18 50
Tue 3-04 3-04 A 124 (Ⅱ) Valparaiso Valpo L, 75-67 74 15-15 (9-10) -6.5 92.5 95.6 90.6 50.0 28.4 33.3 40.0 20-36 5-19 101.5 41.5 18.9 36.6 84.9 16-37 4-16 41
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Green Bay Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.