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#291 - Fordham (9-22)

Jeff NeubauerAtlantic 10 (4-14)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 94.4 332 105.3 185 .2233 291
eFG% 47.9 302 52.3 243
TO% 18.5 179 21.1 33
OR% 18.8 350 32.8 323
FTR 26.9 331 30.4 105
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 28.8 348 35.1 185
2P% 52.1 84 52.1 264
FT% 70.8 201 68.6 34
Block % 11.2 306 6.4 307
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 46.8 16 33.6 50
Ast. Rate 60.5 19 61.5 339
Adj. Tempo 66.0276

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 88.1 301 98.3 102 .2212 256
Last 10 Eff. 95.3 317 110.1 260 .1603 311
Close Games 3-4 (.429) 235
Qual. Games 0-3 (.000) 302
F.U.N. 0.0155 134
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 15 % 211 16 % 130
Basic 0.4364 190 0.5247 115
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-2 0-4 0-3 0-13 9-2

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Fri 11-10 11-10 H 203 191 (Ⅳ) Miami OH MOH L, 55-54 67 0-1 -0.9 82.8 85.8 80.7 42.0 13.5 13.2 25.0 19-32 3-24 82.2 38.1 31.4 50.0 25.4 15-36 5-23 40 2.4
Mon 11-13 11-13 H 205 257 (Ⅳ) LIU LIU W, 81-68 72 1-1 -0.9 106.4 96.1 112.0 55.1 11.1 21.1 45.8 16-35 11-24 94.0 43.1 18.0 28.9 46.6 16-39 6-19 76 10.4
Fri 11-17 11-17 N 197 28 (Ⅱ) Florida St. FSU L, 67-43 71 1-2 -1.3 66.7 86.4 60.7 24.0 32.5 34.1 48.1 11-30 1-22 94.5 52.9 25.4 36.1 48.1 20-28 5-24 5 -13.2
Sun 11-19 11-19 N 215 170 (Ⅲ) Tulane Tulane L, 63-55 69 1-3 -2.2 80.0 89.1 79.9 45.6 14.5 7.9 15.8 14-26 8-31 91.5 52.4 32.0 23.1 57.1 13-25 6-17 23 -2.6
Sun 11-26 11-26 H 225 230 (Ⅳ) Manhattan Manh W, 70-57 67 2-3 -2.1 103.3 90.6 104.1 56.8 22.3 33.3 10.2 23-43 7-16 84.7 53.1 37.2 41.4 24.5 17-33 6-16 82 8.5
Wed 11-29 11-29 H 205 111 (Ⅲ) East Tennessee St. ETSU L, 82-77 70 2-4 -3.0 117.0 119.6 110.4 56.5 17.2 10.3 67.4 17-27 6-19 117.5 65.3 22.9 32.0 55.1 23-35 6-14 44 -2.3
Sat 12-02 12-02 H 217 330 (Ⅳ) Maine Maine W, 67-66 OT75 3-4 -3.0 85.4 103.9 89.8 41.5 14.7 22.0 45.8 17-30 5-29 88.5 42.1 22.8 26.3 42.1 15-33 6-24 10 -1.9
Wed 12-06 12-06 H 227 129 (Ⅲ) Harvard Harv L, 47-45 65 3-5 -3.8 76.3 73.4 69.7 36.4 15.5 16.3 8.5 11-26 7-33 72.8 35.1 18.6 20.5 14.0 17-37 2-20 61 5.8
Sat 12-09 12-09 H 221 309 (Ⅳ) St. Francis NY SFNY W, 76-68 71 4-5 -3.8 102.9 99.5 107.0 51.7 16.9 29.4 33.9 23-37 5-22 95.7 55.9 25.3 16.7 31.4 15-31 9-20 60 11.1
Tue 12-12 12-12 A 209 127 (Ⅲ) Rutgers Rut L, 75-63 71 4-6 -4.5 97.9 111.0 88.5 49.1 22.5 14.3 17.9 11-27 11-29 105.3 50.8 19.7 40.5 21.5 30-57 2-8 19 -8.1
Thu 12-21 12-21 H 216 346 (Ⅳ) Florida A&M FAMU W, 79-69 67 5-6 -4.5 102.7 116.0 117.8 60.4 16.4 20.7 34.0 14-28 12-25 102.9 58.8 20.9 18.5 31.4 18-34 8-17 20 5.3
Sat 12-23 12-23 A 214 8 (I-A) West Virginia WVU L, 86-69 73 5-7 -4.6 106.4 98.3 94.2 49.1 23.2 21.2 35.2 16-31 7-23 117.5 53.0 19.1 46.2 36.4 20-36 10-30 71 -6.9
Sat 12-30 12-30 A 210 130 (Ⅱ) VCU VCU L, 76-63 66 5-8 (0-1) -5.3 97.8 114.0 96.0 54.8 21.3 20.0 23.1 15-28 9-24 115.8 58.0 19.8 38.7 32.1 19-34 9-22 15 -9.7
Wed 1-03 1-03 H 210 173 (Ⅳ) Richmond Rich W, 69-65 OT69 6-8 (1-1) -5.2 93.9 93.5 99.5 47.5 14.4 20.0 23.3 21-39 5-21 93.7 51.9 23.1 27.0 35.2 16-28 8-26 51 1.1
Sat 1-06 1-06 H 207 190 (Ⅳ) Duquesne Duq L, 64-41 59 6-9 (1-2) -6.1 71.2 105.0 69.4 39.0 20.3 16.7 8.0 9-26 7-24 108.4 51.0 28.8 50.0 25.5 17-37 6-14 1 -8.4
Wed 1-10 1-10 A 227 77 (I-A) St. Bonaventure Bona L, 77-61 68 6-10 (1-3) -6.6 98.5 103.8 89.9 45.3 17.7 13.9 30.2 9-17 10-36 113.4 53.3 16.2 32.3 21.3 28-49 3-12 35 -5.3
Sun 1-14 1-14 H 230 51 (Ⅱ) Davidson Dav L, 75-45 52 6-11 (1-4) -7.3 92.5 126.3 86.8 47.7 17.4 14.8 14.0 7-19 9-24 144.7 67.0 9.6 32.1 15.1 13-27 15-26 3 -12.4
Wed 1-17 1-17 A 263 128 (Ⅲ) La Salle LaSalle L, 75-67 67 6-12 (1-5) -7.9 101.4 112.2 99.7 53.6 14.9 9.7 16.1 21-32 6-24 111.6 53.4 14.9 28.1 25.4 21-42 7-17 24 -8.6
Sat 1-20 1-20 A 263 120 (Ⅲ) Saint Joseph's St.Joes L, 68-46 73 6-13 (1-6) -8.6 73.4 85.8 63.2 37.3 27.5 16.2 10.9 10-22 7-33 93.4 41.5 9.6 22.2 16.9 19-44 7-27 14 -3.5
Wed 1-24 1-24 H 262 62 (I-A) Rhode Island RI L, 78-58 73 6-14 (1-7) -9.3 86.2 101.3 79.5 46.7 31.5 17.2 44.4 15-28 4-17 106.9 50.0 20.6 36.1 36.1 26-51 3-10 13 -9
Sat 1-27 1-27 H 263 201 (Ⅳ) Massachusetts Umass W, 82-69 65 7-14 (2-7) -9.2 114.2 111.3 126.7 67.3 13.9 16.0 26.9 17-27 12-25 106.6 46.4 13.9 37.8 14.5 20-45 8-24 57 0.4
Sat 2-03 2-03 A 266 141 (Ⅲ) Saint Louis SLU L, 73-50 68 7-15 (2-8) -9.9 80.9 107.8 74.0 38.7 20.7 22.5 34.0 13-36 5-17 108.0 48.2 22.2 43.6 60.0 19-44 5-11 4 -11
Wed 2-07 2-07 H 272 211 (Ⅳ) George Mason GeoMason W, 67-66 72 8-15 (3-8) -9.8 88.2 97.1 92.4 50.0 15.2 19.0 21.3 11-24 13-37 91.1 47.6 29.0 33.3 12.7 15-38 10-25 25 -5
Sat 2-10 2-10 A 275 190 (Ⅳ) Duquesne Duq W, 80-57 66 9-15 (4-8) -9.6 119.0 86.9 121.8 69.0 24.4 22.2 61.9 17-24 8-18 86.8 35.0 13.7 30.2 31.7 15-36 4-24 97 11.5
Wed 2-14 2-14 H 261 120 (Ⅲ) Saint Joseph's St.Joes L, 71-55 62 9-16 (4-9) -10.5 90.5 115.1 88.1 51.0 14.4 9.7 13.7 14-20 8-31 113.7 53.6 14.4 27.6 28.6 21-37 6-19 6 -10
Sat 2-17 2-17 A 270 150 (Ⅲ) Dayton Day L, 80-70 64 9-17 (4-10) -11.1 107.5 120.4 109.7 56.6 21.9 30.3 30.2 15-27 10-26 125.3 74.4 23.5 25.0 37.8 20-27 9-18 21 -7.9
Wed 2-21 2-21 A 271 51 (I) Davidson Dav L, 76-52 60 9-18 (4-11) -11.5 91.2 110.2 86.7 39.8 13.3 16.7 18.5 11-20 7-34 126.7 74.4 23.3 33.3 28.9 26-33 5-12 10 -12.7
Sat 2-24 2-24 H 273 128 (Ⅳ) La Salle LaSalle L, 73-60 65 9-19 (4-12) -12.4 89.5 116.1 91.6 46.6 13.7 13.9 15.5 18-36 6-22 111.5 56.3 19.9 34.5 21.4 21-39 7-17 5 -12.8
Wed 2-28 2-28 A 278 165 (Ⅲ) George Washington GW L, 72-56 70 9-20 (4-13) -13.1 79.2 104.5 80.3 37.7 17.2 25.0 13.8 17-39 5-26 103.2 53.4 20.1 27.6 19.0 25-46 4-12 4 -13.4
Sat 3-03 3-03 H 287 130 (Ⅲ) VCU VCU L, 83-58 65 9-21 (4-14) -14.0 94.2 124.5 89.8 43.1 15.5 15.6 35.3 16-30 4-21 128.5 68.5 15.5 23.1 25.9 19-32 12-22 4 -9.3
Atlantic 10 Tournament
Wed 3-07 3-07 N 297 165 (Ⅲ) George Washington GW L, 78-72 67 9-22 -14.8 110.9 114.4 107.8 53.5 15.0 16.7 24.6 17-27 9-30 116.8 56.4 19.5 45.2 41.8 22-41 6-14 41 1.1
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Fordham Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.