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#80 - Colgate (14-2)

14 seed, R64

Matt LangelPatriot League (11-1)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 110.4 42 100.4 135 .7494 80
eFG% 56.6 5 45.8 16
TO% 14.7 5 16.3 304
OR% 28.2 158 25.3 73
FTR 30.9 187 26.3 53
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 40.3 3 26.4 1
2P% 54.4 27 49.4 151
FT% 72.3 129 68.5 56
Block % 7.4 64 8.3 177
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 36.5 197 36.2 132
Ast. Rate 57.0 53 42.2 12
Adj. Tempo 71.733

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 104.5 115 95.7 102 .7352 93
Last 10 Eff. 110.6 48 99.6 127 .7702 73
Close Games 1-1 (.500) 190
Qual. Games 0-1 (.000) 269
F.U.N. 0.0602 64
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 0 % 335 8 % 284
Basic 0 338 0.3724 237
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-0 0-0 2-0 6-1 6-0

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Sat 1-02 1-02 H 167 189 (Ⅲ) Army Army W, 101-57 75 1-0 (1-0) 0.1 131.0 83.7 135.3 74.6 20.1 26.1 12.7 29-38 12-25 76.3 40.0 14.7 13.6 30.0 15-38 6-22 99 20.4
Sun 1-03 1-03 H 136 189 (Ⅲ) Army Army L, 75-73 74 1-1 (1-1) -0.8 95.9 108.9 98.9 50.8 14.9 12.1 23.7 18-32 8-27 101.6 51.6 16.3 22.7 33.3 13-28 13-35 19 -5.8
Sat 1-09 1-09 A 144 231 (Ⅲ) Boston University BU W, 86-79 73 2-1 (2-1) -0.7 114.2 105.0 117.5 56.7 5.5 14.3 43.3 19-33 10-27 107.9 49.3 16.4 33.3 25.0 23-42 7-26 72 8.1
Sun 1-10 1-10 A 139 231 (Ⅲ) Boston University BU W, 89-45 69 3-1 (3-1) -0.6 114.4 75.1 129.9 61.0 14.6 33.3 37.3 24-39 8-20 65.7 25.4 16.1 27.3 26.2 14-32 1-29 99 12
Sat 1-16 1-16 H 121 254 (Ⅳ) Holy Cross HC W, 95-55 68 4-1 (4-1) -0.5 124.7 90.3 139.9 57.3 7.4 46.3 18.7 22-46 14-29 81.0 43.6 22.1 22.9 23.6 21-37 2-18 98 14.5
Sun 1-17 1-17 H 111 254 (Ⅳ) Holy Cross HC W, 96-87 81 5-1 (5-1) -0.5 110.0 111.4 118.3 57.8 14.8 22.9 69.0 17-37 11-21 107.2 53.3 18.5 27.3 49.2 25-49 5-12 46 4.1
Sat 1-30 1-30 A 116 254 (Ⅲ) Holy Cross HC W, 74-63 OT76 6-1 (6-1) -0.4 92.9 83.4 97.2 45.5 17.1 30.8 25.4 26-47 3-20 82.8 37.5 15.8 28.0 18.1 21-54 4-18 78 7.4
Sun 1-31 1-31 A 110 254 (Ⅲ) Holy Cross HC W, 78-60 69 7-1 (7-1) -0.3 104.2 91.4 112.9 44.1 11.6 36.4 32.4 21-47 6-21 86.8 44.9 20.3 27.0 16.9 19-43 5-16 82 5.7
Sat 2-13 2-13 A 76 189 (Ⅱ) Army Army W, 84-74 74 8-1 (8-1) -0.1 117.4 99.3 113.0 62.5 16.1 13.3 20.0 18-32 13-28 99.5 49.2 13.4 20.5 29.2 17-38 10-27 87 10.4
Sun 2-14 2-14 A 75 189 (Ⅱ) Army Army W, 92-83 78 9-1 (9-1) 0.1 119.2 111.2 118.7 57.0 12.9 25.7 39.1 26-42 7-22 107.1 50.7 18.1 31.0 21.4 22-45 9-25 69 3.1
Sat 2-20 2-20 H 77 231 (Ⅳ) Boston University BU W, 82-72 75 10-1 (10-1) 0.1 100.6 98.6 109.0 52.2 14.6 27.5 20.3 24-43 8-26 95.7 48.5 19.9 28.2 15.2 20-39 8-27 56 3.4
Sun 2-21 2-21 H 83 231 (Ⅳ) Boston University BU W, 78-63 67 11-1 (11-1) 0.2 107.6 96.1 116.1 64.8 22.3 28.0 22.2 26-42 6-12 93.8 44.3 14.9 26.3 19.7 21-35 4-26 79 7.6
Patriot League Tournament
Sat 3-06 3-06 H 82 231 (Ⅳ) Boston University BU W, 77-69 70 12-1 0.2 102.6 101.6 110.7 49.1 8.6 25.0 72.2 19-34 5-20 99.2 43.7 11.5 18.4 22.2 20-42 5-21 53 3.2
Wed 3-10 3-10 H 82 262 (Ⅳ) Bucknell Buck W, 105-75 75 13-1 0.3 129.2 102.1 139.3 59.6 13.3 47.5 19.2 30-59 11-19 99.5 50.8 13.3 18.4 21.5 21-37 8-28 94 18.6
Sun 3-14 3-14 H 75 193 (Ⅲ) Loyola MD LMD W, 85-72 68 14-1 0.4 125.6 112.0 125.7 64.4 11.8 21.4 23.7 17-36 14-23 106.5 50.8 17.7 37.8 25.8 24-40 5-22 79 7.6
NCAA Tournament
Fri 3-19 3-19 N 74 26 (I-A) Arkansas (3) Ark L, 85-68 78 14-2 0.0 104.6 95.7 87.3 50.0 28.2 28.9 29.3 11-31 12-27 109.1 48.5 12.8 24.4 44.6 24-49 5-16 74 1
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Colgate Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.