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#333 - Central Connecticut (5-16)

Donyell MarshallNortheast Conference (5-13)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 93.1 306 111.0 316 .1167 333
eFG% 48.5 244 53.9 313
TO% 19.7 217 20.1 94
OR% 23.7 284 32.9 327
FTR 28.4 254 30.4 151
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 32.4 231 35.2 250
2P% 48.5 227 54.6 316
FT% 70.2 210 69.7 109
Block % 8.1 132 7.1 245
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 37.6 171 39.3 248
Ast. Rate 51.7 174 57.3 297
Adj. Tempo 70.570

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 116.9 22 116.2 250 .0947 152
Last 10 Eff. 93.4 298 113.7 329 947 333
Close Games 2-3 (.400) 243
Qual. Games 0-1 (.000) 240
F.U.N. -0.0059 183
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 28 % 49 8 % 280
Basic 0.613 54 0.3342 284
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-1 0-1 0-2 2-6 3-7

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Wed 11-25 11-25 A 288 15 (I-A) Connecticut UConn L, 102-75 75 0-1 -0.3 116.9 116.2 100.4 57.7 25.4 22.6 44.2 18-35 8-17 136.6 63.2 20.1 55.9 32.4 28-42 10-26 52 -7.2
Fri 11-27 11-27 N 283 189 (Ⅲ) Army Army L, 79-57 71 0-2 -1.1 81.2 113.4 79.8 37.3 14.0 16.3 20.6 19-39 3-24 110.5 65.8 19.6 17.2 17.5 15-26 15-31 2 -12.1
Fri 12-04 12-04 A 304 185 (Ⅲ) Hartford Hart L, 80-65 75 0-3 -2.0 91.8 109.0 86.5 49.1 22.6 12.1 19.3 19-34 6-23 106.4 54.7 14.6 21.2 23.4 17-35 12-29 12 -6.1
Tue 12-08 12-08 A 316 268 (Ⅲ) Fairleigh Dickinson FDU W, 94-87 77 1-3 (1-0) -1.9 112.4 114.2 122.5 72.4 23.5 25.9 31.0 27-43 10-15 113.4 52.4 13.0 25.7 39.7 21-37 8-26 46 2.6
Wed 12-09 12-09 A 304 268 (Ⅲ) Fairleigh Dickinson FDU L, 79-71 72 1-4 (1-1) -2.8 89.9 110.0 98.2 47.4 13.8 21.1 46.6 17-36 7-22 109.3 59.6 23.5 37.9 55.8 19-34 8-18 9 -6.5
Tue 12-15 12-15 H 313 289 (Ⅳ) St. Francis NY SFNY L, 91-86 82 1-5 (1-2) -3.7 93.6 112.2 104.5 59.1 19.4 17.6 19.7 21-45 12-21 110.6 55.8 15.8 28.2 34.8 25-44 9-25 11 -2
Wed 12-16 12-16 H 318 289 (Ⅳ) St. Francis NY SFNY W, 78-59 69 2-5 (2-2) -3.7 94.7 93.6 112.8 50.0 15.9 32.4 39.7 20-38 6-20 85.3 39.6 23.1 31.4 45.3 15-39 4-14 53 1.6
Thu 1-07 1-07 A 308 173 (Ⅱ) Bryant Bryant L, 93-68 83 2-6 (2-3) -4.5 81.2 111.3 82.2 45.8 21.8 18.6 5.6 19-43 9-28 112.5 56.5 23.0 39.5 29.0 24-43 10-26 3 -16.6
Fri 1-08 1-08 A 319 173 (Ⅱ) Bryant Bryant L, 76-64 73 2-7 (2-4) -5.3 86.9 103.4 88.0 45.8 17.9 18.4 21.7 17-34 7-26 104.5 53.9 20.6 26.5 10.9 21-35 9-29 12 -8.3
Thu 1-14 1-14 A 315 296 (Ⅳ) Sacred Heart SHU L, 65-48 72 2-8 (2-5) -6.2 64.5 88.1 66.8 32.0 20.9 23.4 21.3 12-38 5-23 90.5 40.2 19.5 31.7 36.1 17-39 5-22 3 -4.5
Thu 1-21 1-21 H 317 222 (Ⅲ) Mount St. Mary's MSM L, 67-57 63 2-9 (2-6) -7.2 95.7 110.0 90.6 42.4 17.5 28.9 16.9 16-36 6-23 106.5 61.1 27.0 30.8 37.8 14-26 9-19 17 1.1
Fri 1-22 1-22 H 320 222 (Ⅲ) Mount St. Mary's MSM W, 65-64 59 3-9 (3-6) -7.1 110.8 117.5 110.4 51.9 15.3 29.4 24.1 16-32 8-22 108.7 50.0 17.0 37.8 29.1 17-34 7-21 34 0.7
Sat 1-30 1-30 A 321 301 (Ⅳ) Saint Francis SFU L, 62-59 70 3-10 (3-7) -8.0 80.0 94.3 84.0 46.9 22.8 12.9 41.7 18-33 3-15 88.3 45.5 25.6 32.4 38.2 16-35 6-20 13 -2.3
Sun 1-31 1-31 A 321 301 (Ⅳ) Saint Francis SFU W, 85-77 67 4-10 (4-7) -8.0 119.1 124.5 126.7 63.2 16.4 31.0 29.8 18-32 12-25 114.8 62.5 20.9 23.1 28.8 16-28 11-24 38 1.7
Thu 2-11 2-11 H 316 266 (Ⅳ) Merrimack Merr. L, 62-46 66 4-11 (4-8) -8.9 69.9 102.1 69.2 32.6 31.6 27.3 58.1 11-28 2-15 93.3 55.3 24.1 16.7 36.2 17-29 6-18 1 -8
Fri 2-12 2-12 H 319 266 (Ⅳ) Merrimack Merr. L, 72-52 66 4-12 (4-9) -9.9 80.5 118.8 79.0 42.3 21.3 21.6 26.9 13-28 6-24 109.3 60.4 27.3 28.0 35.4 14-24 10-24 1 -9.1
Wed 2-17 2-17 H 331 296 (Ⅳ) Sacred Heart SHU L, 82-70 70 4-13 (4-10) -10.9 88.5 123.1 100.2 48.5 17.2 27.5 13.8 15-39 11-26 117.4 56.3 17.2 32.3 42.9 21-37 7-19 2 -10.1
Sat 2-20 2-20 A 333 260 (Ⅲ) LIU LIU L, 87-74 79 4-14 (4-11) -11.8 94.0 116.9 93.9 47.7 21.6 31.0 32.3 19-35 8-30 110.4 52.7 24.1 51.2 16.0 29-45 7-30 8 -7.2
Sun 2-21 2-21 A 335 260 (Ⅲ) LIU LIU L, 81-79 78 4-15 (4-12) -12.7 101.6 110.6 101.7 50.0 18.0 25.0 25.8 24-47 6-19 104.2 45.7 14.2 32.6 37.7 15-33 11-36 27 -0.7
Thu 2-25 2-25 H 329 208 (Ⅳ) Wagner Wag L, 83-63 70 4-16 (4-13) -13.6 87.7 119.2 90.1 39.5 15.7 27.3 30.6 17-38 5-24 118.7 55.8 17.2 41.2 8.7 28-51 7-18 3 -9.6
Fri 2-26 2-26 H 333 208 (Ⅳ) Wagner Wag W, 83-77 74 5-16 (5-13) -13.5 106.0 108.8 112.9 56.4 20.4 29.0 47.3 16-34 10-21 104.8 48.6 16.3 36.8 20.3 29-49 3-20 43 0.4
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Central Connecticut Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.