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#209 - Brown (15-12)

Mike MartinIvy League (8-6)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 96.5 280 99.8 127 .4033 209
eFG% 44.9 344 49.7 191
TO% 21.2 311 19.7 117
OR% 32.8 37 26.4 106
FTR 32.4 184 29.3 101
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 30.4 304 33.5 197
2P% 44.5 341 49.4 177
FT% 73.8 85 72.1 243
Block % 11.7 336 11.5 55
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 38.1 161 36.9 157
Ast. Rate 47.6 271 49.1 110
Adj. Tempo 69.3113

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 98.9 180 102.2 224 .4068 198
Last 10 Eff. 93.8 305 98.1 94 .3725 228
Close Games 6-1 (.857) 7
Qual. Games 0-2 (.000) 211
F.U.N. 0.0842 21
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 14 % 229 14 % 165
Basic 0.4035 249 0.4553 173
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-1 0-3 2-1 3-4 9-4

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Tue 11-05 11-05 A 143 251 (Ⅳ) Bryant Bryant W, 73-71 70 1-0 0.1 104.6 103.8 103.8 48.1 21.3 35.1 58.5 18-36 5-17 100.9 46.8 17.1 31.0 33.9 17-34 8-28 52 3.2
Sat 11-09 11-09 H 146 277 (Ⅳ) Canisius Can W, 75-68 76 2-0 0.2 93.9 94.4 98.5 51.9 26.3 30.6 46.3 13-24 10-30 89.3 45.3 28.9 27.3 45.3 15-37 6-16 48 5.3
Wed 11-13 11-13 H 147 282 (Ⅳ) Quinnipiac Quin W, 70-68 73 3-0 0.2 87.9 97.5 95.8 41.2 17.8 41.2 16.2 17-48 9-26 93.1 47.1 20.5 28.2 7.4 23-45 6-23 23 0.3
Tue 11-19 11-19 A 147 213 (Ⅲ) Sacred Heart SHU L, 84-63 73 3-1 -0.6 89.8 110.8 86.3 41.7 24.7 40.5 19.7 20-41 5-25 115.1 57.4 23.3 41.4 53.7 19-34 8-20 8 -5.6
Sat 11-23 11-23 H 165 288 (Ⅳ) NJIT NJIT W, 79-63 68 4-1 -0.6 114.1 99.6 116.4 60.6 22.1 37.9 42.3 18-37 9-15 92.8 43.5 14.7 21.6 51.9 16-39 5-15 83 12.6
Tue 11-26 11-26 A 149 280 (Ⅳ) UMass Lowell Lowell L, 75-63 72 4-2 -1.4 82.9 95.6 87.0 42.2 27.6 43.9 20.3 21-44 4-20 103.6 51.7 20.7 27.3 27.1 17-41 9-18 16 0.7
Sat 11-30 11-30 H 171 265 (Ⅳ) Navy Navy L, 76-56 66 4-3 -2.4 88.0 112.5 84.6 42.6 22.7 29.7 25.9 14-29 6-25 114.8 49.2 12.1 32.5 49.2 17-36 8-23 6 -0.2
Wed 12-04 12-04 H 195 222 (Ⅳ) Merrimack Merr. W, 82-55 70 5-3 -2.3 122.0 84.7 116.5 53.2 24.1 55.6 33.3 20-40 9-23 78.1 42.5 21.3 17.9 10.0 18-35 5-25 99 19.4
Sat 12-07 12-07 A 162 214 (Ⅲ) Stony Brook SB L, 79-63 71 5-4 -3.2 95.9 113.4 88.5 42.1 21.1 28.6 19.0 16-37 7-26 111.0 66.0 22.5 21.4 30.2 14-28 14-25 13 -4.1
Tue 12-10 12-10 A 181 58 (I) St. John's St.John's L, 82-71 70 5-5 -3.6 108.6 112.8 101.4 49.2 20.0 34.1 21.9 15-32 11-32 117.1 49.2 8.6 23.5 44.1 20-37 6-22 39 -10.1
Sat 12-28 12-28 A 186 6 (I-A) Duke Duke L, 75-50 68 5-6 -3.7 89.1 91.5 73.4 39.6 26.4 30.8 34.0 12-34 6-19 110.2 45.6 16.2 45.0 23.5 28-52 2-16 43 -6.7
Thu 1-02 1-02 H 177 65 (Ⅱ) Rhode Island RI W, 85-75 77 6-6 -3.4 117.1 96.7 110.1 58.8 24.6 30.3 38.6 14-29 13-28 97.1 43.7 13.0 27.1 29.6 25-51 4-20 90 4.5
Tue 1-07 1-07 H 166 0 (Ⅳ) JWU (Providence) JWU (P W, 79-53 78 7-6 -3.4 - - 101.2 62.7 24.3 20.7 34.5 24-34 7-21 67.9 33.3 25.6 27.7 19.7 19-50 2-16 - -
Fri 1-17 1-17 A 164 74 (I) Yale Yale L, 70-56 72 7-7 (0-1) -3.9 83.1 91.2 78.2 37.5 26.5 26.3 48.1 15-31 3-21 97.7 44.1 16.8 29.3 40.7 11-35 10-24 26 -8.1
Fri 1-24 1-24 H 172 74 (Ⅱ) Yale Yale L, 73-62 71 7-8 (0-2) -4.7 91.0 98.5 87.6 42.5 24.0 31.7 25.0 12-34 9-26 103.1 54.9 22.6 20.0 39.2 13-23 10-28 29 -5.8
Fri 1-31 1-31 H 169 262 (Ⅳ) Cornell Corn W, 74-63 72 8-8 (1-2) -4.6 93.5 91.3 103.4 49.1 23.8 38.9 49.1 18-37 6-18 88.0 51.7 26.5 23.5 12.1 18-34 8-24 57 4.3
Sat 2-01 2-01 H 172 287 (Ⅳ) Columbia Col W, 72-66 70 9-8 (2-2) -4.6 97.9 103.7 103.5 44.8 14.4 29.7 46.6 17-41 6-17 94.9 49.2 14.4 19.4 14.5 23-45 5-17 34 2.3
Fri 2-07 2-07 H 185 202 (Ⅳ) Dartmouth Dart W, 67-65 66 10-8 (3-2) -4.5 101.7 107.6 101.7 45.3 19.7 36.1 49.1 15-34 6-19 98.7 63.0 27.3 16.7 10.0 18-35 9-15 34 -2.1
Sat 2-08 2-08 H 189 112 (Ⅲ) Harvard Harv W, 72-71 71 11-8 (4-2) -4.3 102.6 99.0 100.9 46.8 21.0 19.4 68.1 16-34 4-13 99.5 51.8 19.6 22.2 31.6 19-34 7-23 60 -0.1
Fri 2-14 2-14 A 188 132 (Ⅲ) Penn Penn W, 75-63 74 12-8 (5-2) -4.0 100.6 87.5 101.4 47.7 13.5 19.4 21.5 25-49 4-16 85.2 36.8 17.6 23.8 49.1 12-30 6-27 83 -0.1
Sat 2-15 2-15 A 174 139 (Ⅲ) Princeton Prin L, 73-54 67 12-9 (5-3) -4.6 82.0 102.0 80.9 39.7 25.5 33.3 19.0 17-39 4-19 109.4 59.4 19.5 20.8 20.8 21-31 7-22 8 -9.4
Fri 2-21 2-21 A 194 287 (Ⅳ) Columbia Col W, 72-66 71 13-9 (6-3) -4.5 96.5 99.8 100.8 47.7 18.2 37.5 26.6 23-43 5-21 92.4 51.8 22.4 10.7 14.3 20-37 6-19 40 0.1
Sat 2-22 2-22 A 196 262 (Ⅳ) Cornell Corn L, 63-45 61 13-10 (6-4) -5.4 70.2 102.3 74.0 29.3 19.7 34.8 29.3 11-35 4-23 103.6 58.5 23.0 20.0 43.9 15-32 6-9 1 -10.2
Fri 2-28 2-28 H 215 139 (Ⅳ) Princeton Prin L, 71-49 64 13-11 (6-5) -6.3 76.7 104.5 76.2 37.9 17.1 20.0 12.1 13-35 6-23 110.5 56.5 18.7 23.3 20.4 14-26 11-28 3 -9.4
Sat 2-29 2-29 H 227 132 (Ⅲ) Penn Penn L, 73-68 69 13-12 (6-6) -7.1 100.8 103.5 97.9 44.6 20.2 27.8 35.7 13-27 8-29 105.1 48.5 15.8 37.0 33.8 21-42 7-23 42 -0.3
Fri 3-06 3-06 A 229 112 (Ⅱ) Harvard Harv W, 64-55 68 14-12 (7-6) -6.7 97.3 79.6 94.2 41.3 16.2 29.5 25.4 14-41 8-22 81.0 37.3 22.1 35.6 17.5 13-41 7-22 91 3.3
Sat 3-07 3-07 A 216 202 (Ⅲ) Dartmouth Dart W, 70-58 65 15-12 (8-6) -6.5 109.2 95.2 107.1 44.7 12.2 24.3 38.6 12-31 9-26 88.7 53.1 26.0 19.2 18.8 18-28 5-20 83 3.9
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Brown Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.