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#178 - Boston University (21-14)

16 seed, R64

Patrick ChambersAmerica East Conference (12-4)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 103.1 174 104.0 191 .4741 178
eFG% 47.3 249 46.0 39
TO% 19.0 109 18.0 282
OR% 34.1 103 34.3 258
FTR 37.3 187 30.2 39
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 35.5 104 32.4 61
2P% 43.3 316 44.4 41
FT% 72.9 61 70.4 228
Block % 10.9 285 10.5 97
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 40.0 34 37.5 300
Ast. Rate 46.1 321 53.9 169
Adj. Tempo 62.3299

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 102.9 143 104.8 229 .4464 179
Last 10 Eff. 102.9 167 100 121 .5813 137
Close Games 9-7 (.563) 127
Qual. Games 0-3 (.000) 287
F.U.N. 0.0371 90
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 19 % 155 13 % 227
Basic 0.5275 136 0.4172 259
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-1 0-3 2-1 4-5 15-4

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Fri 11-12 11-12 A 176 (Ⅲ) Northeastern NE L, 66-64 62 0-1 -0.8 94.5 101.3 102.6 55.0 20.8 25.0 26.0 17-28 7-22 105.8 44.0 19.2 43.2 31.0 15-42 7-16 31 -5.4
Tue 11-16 11-16 N 152 (Ⅲ) George Washington GW W, 76-67 70 1-1 -0.6 115.4 92.1 108.5 59.8 22.8 21.4 35.3 14-22 11-29 95.7 39.8 22.8 44.2 31.3 15-43 7-21 93 12.4
Wed 11-17 11-17 A 35 (I) Villanova Nova L, 82-66 65 1-2 -0.9 106.2 112.8 101.0 49.2 15.3 34.2 17.7 14-30 11-32 125.5 56.0 10.7 32.1 37.9 31-46 1-12 33 -12.4
Fri 11-19 11-19 H 321 (Ⅳ) Marist Marist W, 58-37 53 2-2 -0.9 95.0 85.0 110.2 46.2 20.9 48.6 24.5 11-29 9-24 70.3 31.1 22.8 33.3 33.3 8-28 4-17 78 5
Mon 11-22 11-22 N 230 (Ⅲ) Hampton Hamp L, 51-50 66 2-3 -1.8 78.4 84.8 75.7 28.1 27.2 49.0 28.1 12-38 4-26 77.2 42.7 25.7 21.9 33.3 16-31 3-17 29 -0.9
Tue 11-23 11-23 N 154 (Ⅲ) Nevada Nev W, 66-57 63 3-3 -1.6 105.4 90.8 105.6 46.4 14.4 33.3 39.3 14-39 8-17 91.2 40.4 28.8 52.5 31.6 17-39 4-18 85 4.8
Sat 11-27 11-27 H 196 (Ⅳ) Cornell Corn W, 66-61 64 4-3 -1.5 95.1 95.9 102.4 43.9 21.7 35.3 59.2 11-31 7-18 94.6 43.8 17.1 26.3 26.8 11-28 9-28 48 0.9
Tue 11-30 11-30 A 5 (I-A) Kentucky UK L, 91-57 68 4-4 -1.7 102.4 108.4 84.1 34.9 20.7 36.2 27.0 10-41 8-22 134.3 68.5 19.2 44.0 44.4 22-38 10-16 34 -9.9
Sat 12-04 12-04 A 100 (Ⅱ) Bucknell Buck L, 52-49 63 4-5 -2.2 84.5 77.9 77.2 37.5 17.3 32.5 15.0 15-40 5-20 81.9 36.2 15.8 25.0 20.7 12-35 6-23 72 2
Thu 12-09 12-09 H 168 (Ⅲ) La Salle LaSalle L, 84-81 79 4-6 -3.1 99.8 103.0 103.0 54.9 25.4 30.8 32.8 14-32 13-29 106.8 52.5 21.6 32.4 48.3 24-45 5-15 41 2.5
Sat 12-11 12-11 A 87 (I) Harvard Harv L, 87-71 65 4-7 -3.7 112.7 119.6 108.7 50.8 12.3 25.0 12.3 15-39 12-26 133.3 64.0 15.3 35.7 58.0 17-26 10-24 34 -6.6
Tue 12-21 12-21 H 195 (Ⅲ) Saint Joseph's St.Joes W, 85-79 62 5-7 -3.6 124.2 129.2 136.5 51.8 11.2 48.6 54.4 16-41 9-16 126.9 50.0 14.5 43.2 44.3 17-38 9-23 39 -2.8
Wed 12-29 12-29 H 160 (Ⅲ) Quinnipiac Quin L, 82-81 73 5-8 -4.5 110.7 111.3 110.5 47.6 10.9 26.8 47.6 18-41 8-22 111.9 46.4 8.2 34.0 40.6 26-52 4-17 48 3.4
Fri 12-31 12-31 A 179 (Ⅲ) Massachusetts Umass L, 71-54 66 5-9 -5.3 89.6 108.2 81.6 36.0 16.6 31.8 38.6 13-37 5-20 107.3 41.8 16.6 40.0 41.0 15-36 7-25 10 -5.7
Sun 1-02 1-02 A 206 (Ⅳ) Maine Maine L, 65-52 65 5-10 (0-1) -6.1 78.0 96.7 80.5 42.0 26.3 27.8 34.0 6-27 10-23 100.7 48.1 26.3 40.6 32.7 16-32 6-20 8 -7
Tue 1-04 1-04 H 287 (Ⅳ) New Hampshire NH W, 61-54 57 6-10 (1-1) -6.0 104.4 110.5 107.1 49.0 22.8 46.9 35.3 16-34 6-17 94.8 39.7 22.8 51.2 7.9 13-34 8-29 34 1.9
Sun 1-09 1-09 H 132 (Ⅱ) Vermont Verm W, 74-65 66 7-10 (2-1) -5.9 113.4 104.0 112.8 46.0 19.8 42.4 70.0 17-34 4-16 99.1 46.6 13.7 28.2 30.5 20-41 5-18 73 2.1
Sat 1-15 1-15 A 232 (Ⅳ) Albany Alb W, 70-67 61 8-10 (3-1) -5.7 107.6 112.6 114.1 56.7 17.9 28.6 57.8 9-18 11-27 109.2 53.5 14.7 21.2 12.3 14-32 11-25 37 -6
Mon 1-17 1-17 A 338 (Ⅳ) UMBC UMBC L, 71-67 57 8-11 (3-2) -6.7 104.3 133.5 118.5 50.0 15.9 37.8 26.8 10-22 12-34 125.6 59.6 17.7 46.2 44.7 13-26 10-21 6 -1.3
Thu 1-20 1-20 H 216 (Ⅳ) Stony Brook SB W, 67-62 62 9-11 (4-2) -6.7 108.2 114.0 107.7 50.0 22.5 34.4 52.1 15-35 6-13 99.7 42.0 16.1 35.1 32.1 13-33 7-23 35 -2.7
Sat 1-22 1-22 A 266 (Ⅳ) Hartford Hart L, 59-55 58 9-12 (4-3) -7.5 101.9 104.6 94.9 51.1 31.1 40.0 27.3 15-26 5-18 101.8 42.4 17.3 41.5 22.0 13-31 8-28 42 9.1
Wed 1-26 1-26 H 314 (Ⅳ) Binghamton Bing! W, 71-66 61 10-12 (5-3) -7.5 102.9 118.8 116.3 44.1 9.8 42.5 42.4 14-37 8-22 108.2 44.5 14.7 41.5 20.3 18-39 7-25 16 -0.8
Sat 1-29 1-29 A 287 (Ⅳ) New Hampshire NH L, 60-48 65 10-13 (5-4) -8.4 76.4 100.8 73.6 31.7 19.9 27.5 40.4 9-31 5-21 92.0 41.1 15.3 23.1 35.7 8-30 10-26 4 -5.5
Tue 2-01 2-01 H 206 (Ⅳ) Maine Maine W, 88-78 68 11-13 (6-4) -8.4 120.7 112.7 128.6 61.9 10.2 21.9 33.9 20-36 11-23 114.0 50.0 14.6 40.5 42.6 20-39 7-22 69 7.2
Fri 2-04 2-04 A 216 (Ⅳ) Stony Brook SB W, 62-49 66 12-13 (7-4) -8.2 97.2 81.8 93.4 49.0 25.6 24.1 32.7 18-34 4-15 73.8 40.6 21.1 17.9 24.5 14-34 5-19 88 4.9
Thu 2-10 2-10 N 232 (Ⅳ) Albany Alb W, 63-44 50 13-13 (8-4) -8.1 115.0 93.3 124.8 57.6 17.8 37.5 23.9 13-30 9-16 87.2 38.8 17.8 40.0 24.5 10-27 6-22 92 6
Sat 2-12 2-12 H 266 (Ⅳ) Hartford Hart W, 61-50 60 14-13 (9-4) -8.1 95.6 99.4 102.2 53.1 26.8 42.3 22.9 15-29 7-19 83.8 41.7 16.8 12.1 31.3 11-22 6-26 39 -0.6
Tue 2-15 2-15 H 338 (Ⅳ) UMBC UMBC W, 85-53 65 15-13 (10-4) -8.1 109.2 93.6 131.5 57.6 15.5 50.0 24.2 23-39 10-27 82.0 41.8 20.1 29.7 25.5 14-45 6-10 86 15.3
Sat 2-19 2-19 H 189 (Ⅲ) Canisius Can W, 70-62 61 16-13 -8.0 110.1 105.4 115.2 54.0 19.7 34.4 42.0 12-25 10-25 102.0 48.0 23.0 35.5 36.7 13-30 7-19 62 2.7
Thu 2-24 2-24 A 314 (Ⅳ) Binghamton Bing! W, 53-51 57 17-13 (11-4) -7.9 86.6 92.0 92.4 44.7 19.2 30.0 36.2 15-34 4-13 88.9 42.3 15.7 24.3 23.1 13-28 6-24 33 2.1
Sun 2-27 2-27 A 132 (Ⅱ) Vermont Verm W, 66-64 OT63 18-13 (12-4) -7.6 108.2 102.9 104.5 43.0 15.8 36.8 70.0 14-30 5-20 101.3 45.2 14.2 34.2 15.9 21-48 5-15 64 -2.9
America East Conference Tournament
Sat 3-05 3-05 N 287 (Ⅳ) New Hampshire NH W, 69-60 58 19-13 -7.5 117.5 119.2 119.1 49.0 8.6 34.4 60.0 20-35 3-15 103.5 47.3 10.4 28.9 25.0 13-32 9-24 46 2.6
Sun 3-06 3-06 N 266 (Ⅳ) Hartford Hart W, 55-49 56 20-13 -7.5 96.1 99.0 98.4 53.0 30.4 25.0 66.7 7-18 7-15 87.6 43.5 17.9 27.0 9.3 10-28 9-26 42 0.8
Sat 3-12 3-12 H 216 (Ⅳ) Stony Brook SB W, 56-54 61 21-13 -7.4 91.2 100.7 91.1 33.3 13.0 23.7 60.4 13-29 2-19 87.9 37.0 21.2 32.4 27.8 11-31 6-23 24 -5.6
NCAA Tournament
Fri 3-18 3-18 N 2 (I-A) Kansas (1) KU L, 72-53 63 21-14 -7.6 100.2 93.3 83.8 44.1 19.0 17.1 23.5 9-26 9-25 113.8 58.8 22.1 36.7 14.0 20-37 9-20 69 -5.2
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Boston University Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.