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Today's Game Stats |
Today's Player Stats
Time | Matchup | T-Rank Line | TTQ | Result | |
12:20 PM | 3 Purdue vs 7 Tennessee NCAA-T CBS |
Purdue -3.1, 75-72 (62%) | 92 | Purdue, 72-66 | |
03:05 PM | 8 Duke vs 48 N.C. State NCAA-T CBS |
Duke -7.8, 77-69 (77%) | 71 | N.C. State, 76-64 | |
MOV Mean absolute error: 11.36 | Totals MAE: 8.1 |
Score bias: 8.1 | Record of favorites: 1-1 (expected: 1-1) |
Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and
secret formulas.