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Today's Game Stats | Today's Player Stats

⬅️ Games Scheduled for 11/09/2022 ➡️

Time Matchup T-Rank Line TTQ Result
06:00 PM 130 Davidson
at 197 Wright St. ESPN+
Davidson -3.8,
74-70 (65%)
62 Davidson, 102-97
09:00 PM 202 Florida Gulf Coast
at 219 San Diego
San Diego -5.1,
77-72 (69%)
50 San Diego, 79-73
07:00 PM 176 Lipscomb
at 305 South Dakota ESPN+
South Dakota -5.6,
82-76 (69%)
43 South Dakota, 85-77
08:00 PM 201 South Dakota St.
at 43 Boise St.
Boise St. -8.0,
75-67 (78%)
40 South Dakota St., 68-66
08:00 PM 253 Bellarmine
at 263 Louisville ACCN
Louisville -11.8,
74-62 (88%)
38 Bellarmine, 67-66
06:00 PM 281 Tennessee Martin
at 154 Youngstown St. ESPN+
Youngstown St. -11.2,
89-77 (83%)
34 Youngstown St., 90-72
06:00 PM 284 American
at 272 Marist ESPN+
Marist -1.3,
65-64 (56%)
33 Marist, 73-69
07:00 PM 349 Monmouth
at 58 Seton Hall FS1
Seton Hall -20.9,
76-55 (98%)
25 Seton Hall, 79-52
06:00 PM 348 Hampton
at 114 James Madison ESPN+
James Madison -11.7,
82-70 (85%)
24 James Madison, 106-58
07:00 PM 360 IU Indy
at 53 Drake ESPN+
Drake -26.1,
80-54 (99%)
21 Drake, 80-48
07:00 PM 332 UMKC
at 143 LSU ESPN+
LSU -20.8,
79-58 (97%)
21 LSU, 74-63
09:30 PM 358 Florida A&M
at 147 Portland
Portland -26.0,
82-56 (99%)
18 Portland, 91-54
07:00 PM 0 Western Colo.
at 60 Utah Valley ESPN+
Utah Valley (100%) 6 Utah Valley, 91-64
07:00 PM 0 Mobile
at 90 South Alabama ESPN+
South Alabama (100%) 1 South Alabama, 97-59
08:00 PM 0 Cal Maritime
at 170 UC Davis ESPN+
UC Davis (100%) -2 UC Davis, 90-67
08:00 PM 0 San Diego Christian
at 116 Grand Canyon ESPN+
Grand Canyon (100%) -2 Grand Canyon, 101-50
09:00 PM 0 Puget Sound
at 161 Seattle ESPN+
Seattle (100%) -2 Seattle, 106-55
06:00 PM 0 District of Columbia
at 218 Howard
Howard (100%) -5 Howard, 87-74
07:00 PM 0 Missouri S&T
at 145 Missouri St.
Missouri St. (100%) -6 Missouri St., 82-47
06:00 PM 0 Cairn
at 223 Norfolk St.
Norfolk St. (100%) -8 Norfolk St., 87-59
06:00 PM 0 Mercy
at 264 Fairleigh Dickinson
Fairleigh Dickinson (100%) -8 Fairleigh Dickinson, 106-66
06:00 PM 0 Pitt.-Greensburg
at 242 Robert Morris ESPN+
Robert Morris (100%) -8 Robert Morris, 84-49
06:00 PM 0 Piedmont
at 249 Winthrop ESPN+
Winthrop (100%) -8 Winthrop, 78-56
06:00 PM 0 North American
at 274 Prairie View A&M
Prairie View A&M (100%) -9 Prairie View A&M, 95-68
07:00 PM 0 Champion Chris.
at 320 Arkansas Pine Bluff
Arkansas Pine Bluff (100%) -10 Arkansas Pine Bluff, 87-55
06:00 PM 0 Rockford
at 304 Western Illinois
Western Illinois (100%) -11 Western Illinois, 113-56
MOV Mean absolute error: 8.81 | Totals MAE: 9.6 | Score bias: -6.1 |
Record of favorites: 10-2 (expected: 10-2)

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.